My Birds
I have Chickens, ducks, and Slate turkeys!
Ducklings in the sink
My baby girl, Chilly, has the lightest head color. She is closest to the center of the sink. |
Raliegh, a Blue Slate turkey hen (she is the rare color variety; Lilac)
Raliegh is one of my 4 lilac Slate turkeys, I have 3 hens and 1 tom. |
Orange Juice is a New Hampshire Red chicken hen!
She has won 3 Best of Breed awards. |
Cocoa Puff is an Americauna pullet, she recently died at the age of 4 months on Sunday, Sept. 5th 2004.
She won 4 Best of Breed awards. |
Shiosh is a Blue Slate turkey tom.
He has won 2 Best Turkey awards! He is one of my 2 blue Slate turkeys, 1 tom and 1 hen.
Most of my poultry.
Center Left is a mature drake... don't you just love the green head? |
Spike is a hybrid(not purebred) Lovebird. He is a cross between a Peach-faced Lovebird and a Blue-masked Lovebird. He has only 1 foot, when he was a hatchling, he had a hair wrapped around his leg and it cut off the blood circulation to his foot, and it could not be saved. He lives life like normal bird, only he helps himself to hold onto things with his mouth, so people always think he is biting me 8-)